COVID-19 : Time to learn and Act !!

The outbreak of Coronavirus as a pandemic has engulfed the whole world with the sense of fear and sorrow.  The topsy-turvy situation has led to the lock down of cities, shut down of public amenities and halt of transport infrastructures thereby imposing immense threat to the livelihood and economy on a global scale.

Since years, we the most brilliant creatures were so aligned to the materialistic development that we neglected the basic attitudes to lead a healthy lifestyle in harmony with nature. As a consequence, the human race is in a panic-stricken situation but leaving no stone unturned to combat the crisis.

The other side of the coin reveals an entirely different picture!! The restrictions on industrial activities, transportation and self-isolations have turned out to be boon in disguise for Mother Nature. There is reduction in levels of carbon footprint, aquatic life is restored, and the lungs of planet are rejuvenating.

NASA Photos-Climate change effect due to covid-19
(Source: NASA Earth Observatory)
A drastic decrease in the pollution level has been observed since the lock down has been imposed in China post coronavirus spread, according to images released by NASA and other agencies.

It is indeed a dumbstruck moment to believe that a microscopic minute organism has ruffled our senses and wisdom with certain learnings. It has portrayed the importance of hygienic work-life balance but not at the cost of environment. At this catastrophic moment, Who is to be blamed? Every individual needs to be the flag bearer at own level to put an end to this tussle.

Climate change - Coronavirus Lockdown

The government and management are at their best to handle the criticality but what they desire is our cooperation. We must abide by the rules and warnings implemented to restrict the spread.

Lastly, the biggest bouquet of gratitude to the heath workers and emergency officials who are out of home to make us lead a safe life.

Cheers to your contribution and prayers for the whole mankind!!!

Let us know your views and thoughts. Also read other blogs Breathless Delhi - Red Alert!!!


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