OLD AGE - The Epilogue of life

This article is an attempt to hold a mirror to the young energetic class of the society who are carried away by the materialistic lifestyle and fantasies giving a setback to the main pillar behind their ability to spread wings & fly high.

Old Age, Grandparents, need of the hour, The Epilogue of life

Yes, we take a chance to jot down atleast the feelings of the aged people who once were similar to us and tried the best they could afford to nurture us. Old Age- a duration of the entire life span when the body & mind slowly retires from its task and seek for love and care from children. It is also the hard time when the physical sufferings initiate along with the sense of loneliness and depression. They bless their children to flourish in every sphere of life but also hold an internal desire of affection.

We, the children, selfish at times find it tough to accept that we are also on the same track and soon reach that stage of life someday or the other. Every single day, the media flashes the news of parents being dumped to old home, deprived of healthy food & medicines, do the household chores and face verbal/physical assault.

Why can’t we discuss the issues that we may face at times internally and solve it logically rather than adopting a harsh step towards our parents?? We are never so grown up to cross question them who has made the best out of us. No doubt, our choices might change but never our duties. Parents however strict they might be will always wish the best for their children; so any misunderstandings at any stage need to sorted out with love and peace.

 The sufferings, struggles and sacrifices that every parent passes through are impossible to be explained and paid back. 

So why can’t we join hands to reduce the flooding of any more untoward incidents with our aged group?? We can begin within the family so that our children inherit the same and slowly take to a broader scale to community, society, country and as a whole.

Old Age, Grandparents, need of the hour, The Epilogue of life

Do kindly share your stories and emotions that can reach all and ignite the minds!!!


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