Women Safety - Need of the hour

INDIA- a sacred land; a home to people of varied culture, tradition and customs since era.

Despite the difference in languages and practices, the thread of unity is strengthened by the sense of brotherhood and respect. The flavor of respect is more revealed by crowning of Women as an integral and vital part of the society.

In 21st century, when the nation has achieved zenith’s height of success in every challenging sphere, the spine (woman) of the system has left no stone unturned to stand at par with the masculine gender.

But Alas!!! the attitude towards the female figure in the society has shown a descending graph with rigorous loss in ethical and moral values. The desire and eagerness to fly and conquer the sky has now been converted to a sense of fear and panic.

The society that ones used to nurture and encourage women is now alarmed by the concept of safety at home & workplace.  The reasons that form the base of the present pathetic condition include the unhealthy working environment, eve-teasing, unrestricted open alcohol consumption, addiction and overall the negative interpretation of western culture. The loopholes in the existing law at times worsen the situation and encourage the criminals.

Women safety is not only a concern for country specific. It is a mess that exist in every nation either superpower or developing economies.

Although women shares 50% of the total population, is still subjected to sexual harassment, acid attack, domestic violence, female foeticide. Every passing day, any women figure is assaulted and trapped in the hunter’s net in any sphere of the society that acts as an hindrance to the overall healthy development of a country.

The incidents at metro cities are frequently reported whereas some goes away unnoticed. We shout aloud the causes and penalties but its high time that we all (men & women) take a baby step forward to eradicate this issue from roots.

Indian women, Women Safety-Need of the hour

The way forward
The pivotal step starts at home when the family appreciates equality and recognizes the importance of girl child. The basic idea of education, health, hygiene, self-defense should be incorporated among teenage girls and adult women that can keep them updated and aware.

The legal protection laws must be strictly enacted to deal the criminals tactfully so that the offenders give a second thought for indulging in any unlawful activities. More NGOs and Self-Help groups should evolve at every corner of the society to discuss and resolve the problems faced by women at home or workplace at regular intervals.

The entire society needs a comprehensive change in the mindset to address any girl of any age they pass by and firmly lock the grey matter with the thought that female figures of different stage do belong to their own family.

Not to forget, there are examples of men who try every bit to protect and help women in need; those who cross their paths.

Let the spirituality and calmness in Indian culture continue with the remoulding of intoxicated society to make the place safe and fit for Women. The divine breeze of freshness should blow and wipe away the filthy issues to continue the ascending graph of a nation without any sag or pitfalls so that India holds a key position in the eyes of the world.

Let’s set as an example of “Women Empowerment”.

Please suggest what else can be done to strengthen our both arms (men and women) together and move toward a harmonious environment.

Please help us to grow with your comments and suggestions.


  1. Even a government should take severe against the man who exploit women.
    Actually the main problem is what whose who do these wrong things like rape, acid attack etc are having some kind of political support.
    In such case whether a person who is not adult should be punished as a criminal and all the suitable charges should be applicable at him also.

  2. very nicely expressed in words,,, the true fact of today's world..


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