
Showing posts from 2020

The Eyes of Women Power

Hi Friends...     Finally, we all have landed on the 10 th  month of the year 2020 and the festive vibes are blooming around amidst the fatal outbreak. Life seemed to be on standstill situation but slowly & safely we have shifted our focus once again to the normal circadian rhythm.  The colors and mood of celebrations are drizzling around to conceal the gloomy emotions of sluggish life with tint of love & delight. Although the occasions will have a comprehensive change in its outlook, the spirit within will still remain identical.     The grand happening for which we all; especially Bengalis, eagerly wait for is on its way to begin. Yes- the heartfelt “ DURGA PUJA ”. The mythological significance of this carnival is the victory of truth & peace over devil and on a broader prospect, it symbolizes the supreme power and divine faith on Womanhood. The episodes of celebration are blended with ethnic attires, mixed cuisines, hangouts and garnished with cultural nights.      I

My Super-Hero

Hey all; when every year the social media flourishes with the celebration of Mother’s Day, why not the calendar gets marked for the occasion vibes to continue for the Father’s Day to be at its best. Father - a part of our life whose tedious contribution in carving out perfection in his children is ineffable. The master figure whose shoulders lift the struggles for the family, the hands imprint scars to earn bread & butter and the feet burns down in the approach of accomplishing the requirements. But deep down, a thin film prevents the daily chores performed by HIM to go unnoticed at times. HE is a superhero whose inner shell envelope all the emotions and portrays a strict, tough and disciplinarian personality. As mother inculcates the sense of care, love and affection; Father moulds his children to be diligent, sedulous and resistant to external abrasive society. Although a day is inadequate to acknowledge his warmth & oblation, still we take this opportunity to bow in re

Mind your Trigger

Our splendid celebration in welcoming the New Year (2020) was garnished with vibrant hopes and desires but maybe it went rightly into the saying- “ Man proposes, God disposes ”. We have landed on the 6 th month of the year but still things are neither stabilizing nor lining up to normality. With the sudden boom of devastating pandemic to the pop out of Indo-China tussle and heart-wrenching stories of the entertainment world, our aspirations are badly hit but still we are struggling to overcome and sail through. The Pandemic has shattered the economy and livelihood of our fellow countrymen and now we are facing challenges from its parent nation at the border. Pakistan on one end was already a catalyst to ignite unrest situation within and now China is revealing once again its darker side at the borderline. The blood clash has begun; snatching the precious lives of our forefront brave soldiers but enough is enough!!! Chinese betrayal actions have violated 1993, 1996 and 2013 border

A Day for our Paradise : The Earth

On 5 th June, Mother Nature will celebrate her birthday on the eve of World Environment Day 2020 with a blanket of fresh air, rainbow overhead, green pastures, and bluish water. The day is marked by the United Nations to foster awareness globally about our environment and this year the theme lies on the commemoration of the symbiotic relationship of humans with nature. Countries observe the day by indulging the mass in vibrant co-curricular activities like education in communities, campaigns, plantation, talk shows, poster contests, quiz shows, etc. Nevertheless, the origin of the vital needs of life is a healthy biodiversity or ecological system. The whole universe merge hands to pledge for safer earth to live in but the ascending graph of industrialization and tangling of technological improvement quite a times fabricate a topsy-turvy situation. A dismal circumstance often gets casted in galore while striking a balance between the innovative ventures and harmony with nature al

GOD in HIS Best Version

When the ambiance is blended with tickling breeze and the venues are thronged for celebration of Valentine’s week every year, why not a day in a toast to the spine for our victory and escalation in life, a day to commemorate the oblation rendered - the Global day of Parents (1 st June). The day was marked by the UN General Assembly in 2012 to pay homage for the priceless dedication of our beloved Parents in nurturing the future responsible dwellers of the society. Since the initial days of embryo till the countdown for delivery, the sense of parenthood is at its zenith height to provide the utmost delicacy and comfort for the first blink and first cry of the tiny tot. The complexity of parenting gets in abound gradually with the equilibrium of priorities and acclimatization with the new happenings to remain connected with their toddlers. Time passes by and somewhere within the materialistic lifestyle our thoughts get carried away, giving a setback to our sensation of care towards th

Paint with Tint of Love

INDIA- the holy land that shares the strong thread of brotherhood and integrity despite the variance in culture, ethics and customs have been victim of certain untoward incidents and mishaps. The pages of history is painted with memories and oblation of our fellow countrymen who selflessly succumbed to the cause of the nation. One more day for remembrance of the sacrifices and a pledge to preserve the peace by uniting against all odds- Anti Terrorism Day, 21 st May. The term Terrorism within itself is complex, disputed, and despicable with an inner layer of voracious interests and sense of misanthropy. In the present era, the ventures (either homegrown or by foreign forces) revolving around such shabby and malicious school of thought have shown an ascending graph thereby snatching human lives and hindering comprehensive growth of the society.  The criticism and speculation is ongoing yet and somewhere in-depth, the roots lie on ignorance, poverty and unemployment that

MAA - The Angel

“MOM” the word itself is a collection of dynamic energy, benevolent inside and valiant outside to the rough world. SHE is the purest form of love at first sight and those are the only hands that never parts away. Words are too scarce and inner warmth is gigantic to describe in black & white. So, I do feel just one day is insufficient to dedicate; rather each and every breath is to HER!! The utmost she needs is care and closeness in her grey stage of life.     Watching a year old bollywood master work “MOM” casting Sri Devi was a special throw for the Mother's Day... The story aptly portrayed the perfect blending of selfless and vibrant emotions of a mother garnished with the strength of shield in times of need to restraint any whirlwind on her children. It also sketches the evocative hues of a female figure from the era of tender age to that of a responsible woman transforming the plethora of happiness to cluster of maturity.   May not be an action or rom

Lock down Pages !!!

At the outset, although it popped up as a complex and rigid decision engulfing our freedom of daily chores but soon, we acclimatized to the change with a thought of seriousness and hope for a new revived healthy society.  Yes, the story is of nationwide LOCKDOWN that has ruffled the normal ongoing circadian rhythm. We are shackled from outdoor activities and life stands in topsy-turvy context. But, the period of social distancing and self-quarantine blessed us with many positive vibes even in these hard times. Strengthening the family bond, healing of relationships, grooming of hobbies and self-restoration were the boon of this period of confinement.  Most significantly, we realized the need to devote in self rejuvenation in this materialistic lifestyle. The outer world has transformed, and we are on the trial to adopt methods to fit to the new system and revise our habits. We have been warriors to this untoward situation, but the odds and evens are lesson to be d

COVID-19 : Time to learn and Act !!

The outbreak of Coronavirus as a pandemic has engulfed the whole world with the sense of fear and sorrow.    The topsy-turvy situation has led to the lock down of cities, shut down of public amenities and halt of transport infrastructures thereby imposing immense threat to the livelihood and economy on a global scale. Since years, we the most brilliant creatures were so aligned to the materialistic development that we neglected the basic attitudes to lead a healthy lifestyle in harmony with nature. As a consequence, the human race is in a panic-stricken situation but leaving no stone unturned to combat the crisis. The other side of the coin reveals an entirely different picture!! The restrictions on industrial activities, transportation and self-isolations have turned out to be boon in disguise for Mother Nature. There is reduction in levels of carbon footprint, aquatic life is restored, and the lungs of planet are rejuvenating. (Source: NASA Earth Observatory) A d

Traffic Jam - Part of every Wheel on Road

Traffic Jams detrimental to Economy, Time, Health, Environment and what not Traffic gridlock or Traffic Jam has turned out to be part and parcel of our everyday life.  This bottleneck situation creates choked surroundings that irritates both body & mind. Not only an individual, the health of the environment is also infected as it contributes to the air pollution at an alarming rate. Surprisingly, we all are aware about the deteriorating condition and the reasons for the same but we fail to strike a balance between our materialistic needs and social responsibilities. Journey with full of Brakes - Traffic Jam With the rapid industrialization & urbanization, the private vehicle ownership has also increased, and people are more inclined to the usage of road network.  The short-term impact may be long queues, endless delay, psychological frustration but the long-term impact will be vandalization of our internal organs and harming the health of the planet due