
Showing posts from January, 2020

Traffic Jam - Part of every Wheel on Road

Traffic Jams detrimental to Economy, Time, Health, Environment and what not Traffic gridlock or Traffic Jam has turned out to be part and parcel of our everyday life.  This bottleneck situation creates choked surroundings that irritates both body & mind. Not only an individual, the health of the environment is also infected as it contributes to the air pollution at an alarming rate. Surprisingly, we all are aware about the deteriorating condition and the reasons for the same but we fail to strike a balance between our materialistic needs and social responsibilities. Journey with full of Brakes - Traffic Jam With the rapid industrialization & urbanization, the private vehicle ownership has also increased, and people are more inclined to the usage of road network.  The short-term impact may be long queues, endless delay, psychological frustration but the long-term impact will be vandalization of our internal organs and harming the health of the planet due